Uit ’t Leven
Engels, Nederlands gesproken
Engels, Nederlands ondertiteld
De LHBTIQ+ gemeenschap worstelt al jaren met extreem hoge aantallen zelfdoding. Volgens cijfers van 113 Zelfmoordpreventie heeft bijna de helft van de Nederlandse lesbische-, homo- en biseksuele volwassenen ooit zelfmoordgedachten gehad. Dat is vijf keer vaker dan in de algemene volwassen bevolking. Het aantal dat daadwerkelijk een poging doet, is vier tot vijf keer zo hoog. Voor transgender personen zijn de cijfers nog schokkender: vijf tot tien keer hoger.Toch lijkt het onderwerp zelfdoding binnen de regenboog-community een taboe.
The LGBTQ+ community has been struggling with extremely high suicide rates for years. According to figures from 113 Suicide Prevention, almost half of Dutch lesbian, gay and bisexual adults have ever had suicidal thoughts. This is five times more common than in the general adult population. The number who actually attempt suicide is four to five times higher. For transgender people, the figures are even more shocking: five to 10 times higher. Yet within the rainbow community, the subject of suicide seems to be a taboo subject.
Documentary filmmaker Tim Dekkers and screenwriter Henk Burger want to break this taboo with the gripping documentary Uit ’t leven. For over two years, they followed three LGBTQ+ people who went through an inky black period.
Have acrobat Jean, model Solange and city councilor Kris got their lives back on track for good? How do they aim to be a support and an example for others in mental distress. Or does a possible relapse always lurk with them too?
This film is part of the Queer & Pride Summer Program of Queer & Pride Amsterdam.