In our new collaboration with Kaboom Animation Festival, we present rarely-seen animation classics on the big screen, from recently restored cult titles to seldomly-screened festival hits. Animation belongs on the big screen and what better place to present it than at LAB111, where Kaboom has its offices? So grab a drink and come watch great animation with us!
This is a full-length cartoon movie featuring the dim-witted obnoxious loser teens, Beavis and Butt-head. They are obsessed with sex, TV, heavy-metal rock ’n roll, sex, coolness and sex, in that order. The trouble begins when the couch-potato duo’s beloved television disappears (they assume it was stolen). In the course of trying to get another TV, they get involved in a major arms-smuggling scheme and are chased all over the U.S. by mobsters and lawmen alike. In one of the movie’s highlights, Butt-head tries to get Chelsea Clinton to go to bed with him. Apparently he believes that since they both wear braces, she will naturally want to have sex with him.