Sunday October 13th we’re thrilled to welcome Chasing Reels for a second time: your favorite curator for indie films you wouldn’t see otherwise. Those who were there at the first edition know what to expect: a Dutch premiere of an American indie. Cedric Muyres (host and film aficionado) will introduce both the film and the night and will throw in some short films for good measure.
In this dark comedy of manners, soccer moms Jill and Lisa seek the approval of their “friends” – at all costs. This surreal world is just on the edge of consciousness; suburbia through the looking glass. Every adult wears painful braces on their straight teeth, couples coordinate meticulously pressed outfits, and coveted family members become pawns in this competition for acceptance. Greener Grass explores one’s willingness to endure present pain in exchange for future validation – or at least a perfect smile.